2023 Winners
While fighting darkness, innovation became our superpower.
Ahead of Its Time with guest Alexandra Dean
By SetappWhile fighting darkness, innovation became our superpower.
- Project Title
- Entrant
- Team
Pacific Content - Producer/Scriptwriter - David Swanson
Pacific Content - Executive Producer - Geoff Siskind
Pacific Content - Audience Development - Miriam Johnson
Pacific Content - Producer - Tori Weldon
Pacific Content - Audio Producer/Sound Engineer - Gaetan Harris
Pacific Content - Audio Producer/Sound Engineer - Christian Prohom
Pacific Content - Audio Producer/Sound Engineer - Ryan Clarke
Pacific Content - Scriptwriter - Mike Tennant
Setapp - PR Specialis / Editorial advisor - Alyona Gorbatko
Setapp - PR Specialis / Editorial advisor - Inna Shylova
Setapp - Brand Manager / Editorial advisor - Yulia Chuzha
Setapp - Marketing Manager - Vadym Muraviov
Setapp - Advertising Specialist - Marta Klub
Setapp - Advertising Specialist - Yuliia Komkova
Setapp - Advertising Specialist - Denys Kaminsky
Setapp - Product Marketing Manager - Yaroslav Stepanenko
Setapp - Design Lead - Andrii Reshetnik
MacPaw - Creative Service Lead - Alona Korolova
MacPaw - Product Designer - Nataliia Avramenko
MacPaw - Copywriter - Mykhailo Alvares
MacPaw - Marketing Designer - Yurii Husynskyi
MacPaw - PR Lead - Julia Petryk
- Language
- 2023
g PLFeatures-Best Guest
By Daft Doris LtdCredits
- Project Title
- Entrant
- Team
Daft Doris - Host/Producer - Jamie East
Host - Chris Mandle
- Language
- 2023
bFeatures-Best Guest